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Business Values

“Any worthwhile endeavor requires commitment. People showcase commitment only to that which truly value and believe in”. Here are the business values at Digicom, ones we believe makes the difference to our business strategies and success."

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Connecting People to succeed

Digicom’s holistic approach is the best way to understand your IT requirements, improve the Quality of services, we manage an extensive range of KPIs to make this happen.

To understand you – as we believe that you only know better and exactly what you want. Deploying a listen to know approach, we uncover your specifics IT related needs incl. finding out technology basics, complexities involved, pain areas, risks associated, and finally also capture your desired outcomes. Only after we are sure that your needs have been ascertained, analysed and clearly captured. We can provide the right technological solutions for your unique business goals.

"Understand every specific and working realities of what's "needed" and then prescribing/presenting the right-fit "solution". We deliver high quality high Value products, Consulting and support services in a single solution. That's one of our principle differentiator. We are partnered with Industry leading Server, Storage, Wired and Wireless Networking, Converged Systems, Software services and Cloud Infra. With our OEMs we customize financing solutions. The end result is we buy in your confidence by "proving we listen and solve", thus gain the business trust for you to come back to us, again and again"

Communicate, Clarity, Confidentiality

Communications are just not optional, it’s a mandate. We believe that apart from successful deployment of solutions of products/services, we should communicate real data. With a right internal ERP system that captures all details of every transactions, we provide a present a MIS based data report to all our customers for their inputs, verifications and more than anything else, to know the “real picture”.

Clarity is to be given, even if not asked for. Give what’s real and available. In today’s complexity of customer buying with many choices open to select incl. products, parts, their design, right fit, warranties and guarantees part from finally availabilities, we provide “clarity” on all this and more for every transaction. This commitment is drawn from our two fold strength of dedicated & efficient procurement and pres-ales team working with a backend ERP based system that captures every detail.

Data is useful – For all right and some wrong reasons. As an IT services provider, we come across a lot of information and many that has high “inherent value” for every client. Well, we have always imbibed and practiced the process of true confidentiality with each of our client, be it by framing a mutually acceptable MOU/NDA, not “naming” in open, and esp. sensitizing our team to “never touch” client data. This process of integrity is to drive the value of “protect and prevent” and is built in every framework of our engagements with our client.

Shape, Sharpen, Sustain

From the day we started our business, we knew the foundation for our success would be people & process. We have shaped our people a right set of attitudes/values (get a glimpse of them here) and invested to build an internal strong process that incl. an ERP system for all major business operations.

We live to one of Stephen Covey’s principle of “sharpen the saw”. Be it by providing many available platforms for our employees to enhance their competencies or tweak-turn a process that benefits a client, we are always open and willing. Technology is always evolving so a thirst for knowledge is a key for success, and we live this value with actions of continuous learning and development. We love to learn, theoretically and more so practically, new things that can change the way think and solve.

Finally, they say "What’s measured is improved" – We love to work on data and feedback. We always welcome, seek and take feedback, both internally and esp. from our client. Be it our services, the solutions, products, brands and also process & people we always want to know the truth, not just the great and good ones but also the “bitter ones” too. We value change and continual improvement is a positive change catalyst for us, so that we can take corrective/preventive actions at every possible step.

Do the Excellence

Customers today are better informed, selective and understand the true value of service. Attributes like on time delivery/service, transparent communications and many such play the vital role in every transaction. We understood and have developed a culture to tune our process on parameters of it be simple, convenient and available at all times with the attitude to personalize each one of our solutions.

For us the approach is to create excellence and thus our commitment is not just client satisfaction, but creating those “moments of magic” at every opportunity, in everything we do.