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System Integrations: Strategized, Simplified, Solved!

From the day we started, we placed our customer at the heart of our business actions. We laid many a brick of values and business attitudes; cemented it with quality in our actions. Come on over to read in depth about the core values that has defined our sustained success and growth. Know more on the solutions we provide, the strong business partnerships with principals, a fair bit on our clients and case studies that communicate our business competencies and loads for other information.


With a collective management experience of 70+ years, professionals with passion, right set of strategic business associations and internal quality process, Digicom continues to impact lives and make a difference through building sustainable digital technologies. We Design, Develop, Deliver and Support IT Infrastructure Solutions with utmost passion.

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What We Do

We bring together innovative offerings, seamless service and a team of highly motivated people to help you design, implement and manage emerging technologies for your Digital transformation. You can trust Digicom to take care of the design, installation and maintenance of your critical IT infrastructure while you concentrate on business expansion and increasing productivity.

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Our commitment preserve our Earth, Our passion to "drive sustainability for building healthy ecosystems" is not merely a symbolic gesture; rather, it is driven by a deep rooted Indian ethos, which inextricably binds mankind to nature and lays the foundation for modern day concepts of sustainable development.

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Our Portfolio


Smart Devices, AIO and Accessories
High Performance Computing
Hyper Scale Computing
Hybrid Cloud

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End to End collaborative solutions
Big data and analytics
Green IT solutions for healthier planet
Financing and Consumption Based IT

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Services & Support

Enterprise Solution Services
Implementation Services
Support Services 24/7/365
Infrastructure Services

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Satisfied Customers







brings Green IT Solutions with SuperMicro


Our Team

Mohammad Akhtar

Founder & MD


"Entrepreneurship is a challenge and a risk". When Mr. Mohammed Akhtar Ali, our Founder and Managing director, hears this, his quick response is "Nothing worth doing comes easy anyway". Digicom was formed with little investment, but true & larger investments have been in building a core internal team, strategic partnerships, and more than anything, the setting up right attitudes and quality process for business excellence.

Akhtar is an engineer in electronics and communications with passion for design and integrations. A mind and memory sharp and positive, he is a person who values the principle of "Delighted Client = Long Term business". Thus he invests all his time and energy to drive the attitudes of every employee helping them raise the bar of excellence and make Digicom achieve 'WOW' realities.

With passion towards green economics, you will now find him learning the nuances of "organic farming". Given his entrepreneurial streak, we are sure that this "green stuff" in near future will be turned out into a "Real and Successful" agro-horticulture business venture.

Akhtar lives out his life principle of, "When one has more than what is needed, and then he should always look at giving something back to poor and under-privileged community around". Thus with value of "sharing & giving", you will always find him contributing to community for its varied needs.

Rupesh Venugopal

Director - Product & Technology


Rupesh Venugopal, our Director - Products & Technology, who joined us in the initial year, and with 20+ years of experience has honed a high level of competency in the entire life cycle of “System Integration”. Rupesh genuinely believes in “knowing how technology works”, he is seen all the time engrossed in “learning”, one who has completed many levels of professional certification incl. Server/Storages.

Thus with a core expertise in design-build-deploy integration solutions esp. for Telecom/VAS verticals, he leads a team of 14 engineers as of date and internally heads our technical L&D process.

Rohit Kumar Lakhotia

Director - Finance & Accounts


It's common to hear people say "Entrepreneurship is a challenge and a risk". Ask Mr. Rohit Lakhotia (our AVP - Finance & Accounts) and his quick response based on his own 18+ years of experience as an entrepreneur himself is, "Nothing worth doing comes easy anyway. Self business means a few different thoughts, and one of it is, "To succeed, one needs to be willing to take chances, fail but never lose Hope".

A qualified Electronic Engineer, but heading our Finance & Accounting process based on his background of professional life as a self made businessman, Rohit brings the unique work asset by the way he look, sieves and interprets data (macro, micro, Pico, nuclei and nano - well no wonder NANO is one of his favorite automobiles). Always ready to pull out the needed MIS to discuss financial stuff, get the accounting process working on time and error free are the two major strengths at work. A person of believes in simplicity, he is seen making self conscious effort to maintain a work-life balance and for him excellence is all about doing things perfect (quality) and in time (to the minute).

Stephen Kumar

Director - Business Ops


One of "the pillars" of Digicom, Stephen has been with us from the day we started, The man to go for all of us esp. for anything that is "commercial" work, be it getting, renewing or managing timely records with all Govt. authorities, collaborating with external consultants, audits and closures, and many such - Stephen is the solution. . He always does things fair and square, and more than anything he loves doing this work, with passion and determination.

A commerce graduate who started his career in accounting, and for his own "goal of change", backed with relentless pursuits on "external network management", has enabled him to rework a new profile from himself. A religious minded whose belief in "Lord" is unshakable, you will find him fully engaged, multi tasking with the sole objective to "get things happen". Not only does he represent Digicom for the entire commercial operations with market verticals of Government/PSU and also playing the SPOC role for more than a couple of corporate clients in domains of Telecom/VAS and IT.